Why am I writing this blog so soon after writing one last week?  Because I am sitting here in amazement and wonder.  Amazement like seeing that rocket in the night sky last week?  No.  Amazement because Chuck, who cannot walk, talk, or do anything for himself, somehow got himself out of his bed and onto the floor last night as I was sleeping.

I awoke in the morning to find him lying on the floor next to the bed with side rails still in place.  No one– the EMTs I had to call to lift him up, the hospice RN and nurse aides, our neighbors–could figure it out.   We all wonder how he did it.  Luckily he wasn’t hurt at all.

Now I will finally hook up the baby monitor that was given to us last summer and stuff all bed openings with pillows.  Any suggestions will be welcomed!

“I walk the road of life one step at a time, holding the hand of Jesus in mine.”  Walk by Faith Journal


Fun Times

We are certainly having some interesting times lately.  For instance, one very late afternoon I took Chuck up our street in his wheelchair.  I’m thinking he really didn’t enjoy it because he started yelling and proceeded to yell all sorts of cuss words the whole entire walk.  I had to cut it short after I saw a man at his barbecue grill looking over at us.  I guess he thought I was pinching Chuck or something.

Then yesterday, my lovable and capable sister stayed with him while I went down to the Clothing Ministry which is about 10 minutes away.  She had to call me to come home because Chuck had wriggled down to the foot of the bed, dangled his legs over the bottom, and hung onto the side rails for dear life so she couldn’t get him back up.  It took both of us to get him settled.  He can really be a stinker when the mood strikes him.

You never know from one day to the next what his actions will be.  One day at a time!

“Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or swerve from them.”  Prov. 4:5


On an Even Keel

It’s been a month since my last blog and several people have asked if anything is wrong.

Everything seems to be the same for Chuck right now. I get him out for a walk in the wheelchair almost every day, then he stays in that chair in front of the TV (which he doesn’t really watch) until evening.

He always hollers out when we are walking; it is just how it goes. One afternoon, a woman from our neighborhood was walking toward us. As she approached, she said, “Can I ask you a personal question?” “Sure!” I replied. “Does he yell like that at night? And do you get any sleep?” Well, he sometimes does yell at night, but as long as I know he is okay, I can sleep. As I explained things to her, I realized it was very nice of her to be concerned. I know a lot of people are curious about this disease and, if I can give them some info, that’s a good thing. Walking him around our neighborhood can be educational for everyone.

“May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you!” Ps.67:3