Mr. Mean

It seems like Chuck has taken a large dose of “Mr. Nasty” lately.  He is acting mean, looking at us meanly with a grimace, and squeezing our (the aide and I) arms very tightly.  When I asked the R.N. about this, she assured me it is coming from his Alzheimer’s and he doesn’t realize he is doing it.  But it is still hard to see him acting this way.

Chuck’s bedtimes are very challenging lately, too.  He pushes himself to the bottom of the bed or yells from 10 til midnight.  After two or three times of checking on him and adjusting his position, I can finally go to sleep.  Then I awaken almost every hour or so to be sure he is okay.  I guess this is normal after the “great escape” from the bed two weeks ago.  Kind of reminds of those “baby days.”

This week makes one year since Chuck fell into our stony barbecue pit.  That accident really made a big difference in his quality of life.  Since we never know what is ahead, we have to live each day happily, savoring the good, and forgetting the not-so-good for as it says, “The Lord will guard you as you come and go, now and forever.” Ps. 121:8

“I walk the road one step at a time, holding the hand of Jesus in mine.”  Walk by Faith Journal.  (End of my sermon!)